1. NiLS doesn't collect any of your personal information.
2. All of the data that captured through the notifications system is used only for displaying it on your lock screen.
3. The notifications data will be displayed on your lock screen even if your device is secured - it is your responsibility to use privacy options under NiLS Global Settings and App Specific Settings to protect from personal information to be displayed on top of your lock screen.
4. Some personal information might be saved in the system log of your local device for diagnostic purposes - this data will not be sent to nowhere unless you manually sent it by yourself. the log is placed on your sdcard so any app with sdcard read permission is capable of reading it. it is your responsibility to protect your device from malicious apps that will try to use that data.
5. NiLS app doesn't have an internet access permission - so it is not responsible for any data leak that might cause by 3rd party apps as described in the previous section.